$0.00 CAD

Thulite A+ (S)

The Rock Store Healing Centre In stock
  • Product details

    Thulite helps to replace tendencies of negativity, judgment, conditional approval, pompousness, or ‘drama queen’ with clearer and more joyful communication habits and a recognition of the brief temporal existence of these feelings. It helps to initiate rapport between people and better understand others’ viewpoints. By improving positivity and communication, it is an excellent aide in forming new friends or romantic relationships. It is particularly helpful to children, and the child inside of us.

    This tumble stone is small sized (approximately 0.5" - 1.25") and flat in nature **Please note that due to the nature of our products each piece is unique and therefore varies in shape and size. Our sizing of the stones are close approximations.

    Sold Individually 

    Disclaimer: Working with crystals and stones is a spiritual practice and we cannot guarantee any stone will have an impact on the individual's physical or mental health. We can not make any guarantee or claim that crystals and stones will have physical impacts on the body or illnesses. This is a personal practice of connecting to the Earth through their energies and should not be a substitute for traditional medicine. The practice of connecting with crystals and stones is a practice that is very individual between you and the Earth through the mineral kingdom and one that is developed over time.