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  • Product details

    This resin has been sited back to the bible as a holy resin. It was one of the gifts the magi gave to Jesus to bless him as the new king. Can be used for many reasons but usually used in conjunction as scent can be quite strong. This myrrh root is sold loosely in 1 oz bags.

    How to Use: Melt into a lit Charcoal Disk. 


    • rituals related to banishing
    • purifying sacred spaces
    • healing sachets
    • protection against psychic attack
    • break hexes and curses
    • as an incense during litha or full moon
    This resin is for magical and ceremonial purposes only. DO NOT ingest this into the body. Use Only in sachets, pouches and as an incense. This resin can have many side effects if ingested. The Rock Store Inc. does not claim efficacy in any intention or spell work. By purchasing this product, the user understands they are responsible for their own spiritual and magical practice.